Does My Dog or Cat Need Chiropractic Care?


Signs that may indicate your animal could benefit from chiropractic care:

  • Pain, stiffness or sensitivity to touch which may be demonstrated by evasion-type maneuvers such as dipping the head or hollowing back while petting
  • Yelping due to pain from the neck or back movements; discomfort putting collar/ harness on
  • Abnormal, asymmetrical posture while standing or a ‘roached back.’
  • Change in ability to jump into the car, on furniture, or manage stairs
  • Poor or decreased performance in dog sport, e.g. jump refusals, weaves pole problems, etc.
  • Faulty movement and abnormal gaits such as overreaching, shortened stride, crabbing, pacing
  • Hind-end weakness, splaying of hind legs
  • Muscle tension, weakness, atrophy, or asymmetry
  • Compensatory effects of head tilt, altered balance, lack of coordination
  • Lameness conditions or limps related to altered/faulty biomechanics or injuries
  • ‘Puppy-sitting’ or sitting with back legs out to one side
  • Wringing or Tucking tail
  • Change in behaviour such as fear biting, panting, pacing

nimal chiropractic is not meant to replace traditional veterinary medicine and surgery but rather provide a concurrent, complementary, conservative method of care that is safe and effective for many musculoskeletal and mobility issues. Although a referral is not required, your veterinarian should be informed of your choice to seek care and, in some cases, examine the animal to rule out a more serious underlying health condition. Dr. Adie welcomes collaboration with veterinary professionals.